Did you Know how many endanger species there are. Well a lot. Not just animals but plants too.I.U.C.N said there is fifteen thousand five hundred eighty nine endanger species. Scientist have allways known that there is fifteen percent of birds in the world and twenty-five percent of mammels are endanger. Recently a report show that thirty percent of anphibians and fifty percent of turtles and tortes are endangered species, too. Some animals are endanger because of the habitat being destroyed and weather changing. The southern white rihno and the black footed ferret were endanger species but got better.Explain something we could do to help them and about this problom.
It's great to see a student being so concerned with the environment. The numbers you wrote about how many animals are endangered are simply staggering! After reading your post, I looked up the Environment and Public Works Congressional Committee and sent them an email expressing my concern. If anyone else wants to do the same, the address for the committee is http://epw.senate.gov
Posted by: Steve | December 08, 2004 at 05:13 PM
Hello Alejandra,
Your writing on endangered species has been very informative. I did not know there were so many species that are endangered. From your writing, I can tell you have really done your research.
Keep up the good work.
Meta Lee
Posted by: Meta Lee | December 10, 2004 at 09:26 AM
I recently learned of a great partnership between the Oregon Zoo and Norm Thompson to help save an endangered species, the California Condor. After reading your posts about other endangered species I thought you might be interested in learning more. The California Condor is an amazing bird that is native to only three states in the world. With a wingspan of over 9 feet it is an impressive sight. There are only 243 birds worldwide and many of them are living in recovery centers. The Oregon Zoo is home to one of three Condor Recovery Centers in the world and Norm Thompson is selling chocolate condor eggs with chicks inside to raise money for the condors and the zoo’s facility. Visit http://www.normthompson.com and click on the condor image in the upper right corner to help save the condors!
Posted by: Norm | March 08, 2005 at 01:36 PM