Guess what? My weblog group is so amazing. My teacher in the weblog group( Mrs.Davis) taught us a lot of things. For example at the start of class we wrote our first post and she helped us. We also learned where to go to post them. We later wrote and drew a drawing to go with our post. We later somehow put the drawing on our weblog.That was cool!!!!!! I like the post I did about the movie of the Incredibles. I liked it because I love movies and writing about them was a piece of cake. I think it turned out good.I have to hear my classmates opinions on it. I also liked the post on Endangered species.I got comments on it. Mrs. Davis showed us a lot of stuff. For example to use descriptive words and how to actually blog. She also showed us how to post and to read everything we write. When we write our weblogs we try our best to not make a mistake. I wrote a post to a teacher to be. I wrote tips for them and gave them examples.They wrote us back. I was SO excited. I later wrote a post to my friend Ashley. She had a really bad car accident and we wrote comments on her post.I actually like all of my posts so far. Weblogging is cool.