Have you read the story about Extra! Tips & Tips! Did you like the introduction? If you did I am here to make it to the extreme. Here is my introduction.
Hey! Would you like to transform your writing into a masterpiece? Do you want to have interesting facts and fascinating subjects. You need to have some tips from Alejandro. Tip number one, try to include vivid words. Vivid words are better when they are adjectives and exclamations. An exclamation is a word that expresses feelings such as Wow!
Now here is my new and improved introduction. Hey! Would you like to evolve your narrative into a paradise for readers? Do you want to have absorbing facts and have influencing issues? You need to have some tips from the master of all writing laws and stories, Alejandro. Tip number one, try to include vivid words that will catch a lazy man's attention. These words stand out like the Empire State Building. It is better if they are astonishing adjectives and powerful exclamation words such as WOW!!!!!!!!!!