Well, today is our last day to blog, and I want to tell you about our blook. I thought that it was very neat! We pretty much have every letter done, even Z!! I will give you a sneek peek. One of my pages is the word posting. My picture is a picture of someone getting excited about posting on the blogs. I will let you see the rest on your own. I'll give you a hint, it is pretty funny. So have fun reading our blook!!! [ blook on blogs].By: Amber
posts, ponder, passionate, proofread, paragraphs, pizzazz, publish, power of written word, participate, powerful
pen is mightier than the sword, put your best foot forward
Mrs. Davis told us in the beginning of the year that the pen is mightier than the sword. We had to ponder over the meaning of that quote. She said it meant that writing is more powerful than fighting. It has to do with the power of the written word. We believe her but want to change it to say keys are mightier than the sword. Everyone in our group tries to put their best foot forward so they can continue to participate in the weblog group. Mrs. Davis also tells us we must proofread our paragraphs, and our writing must have pizzazz. We have become passionate about writing good posts and then publishing them