My brother and I always fight tooth and nail to know who gets to sit in front of the truck.When he wins I always hit the roof. He said if I tricked him or made fun of him he would tell on me.So, I chilled out. So I wouldn't have to pull on his leg all day so I clammed up. So I tried soft-soaped him so if I needed help with something he would help me. Or if I needed to borrow something he would let me. But when I tried to soft-soap him my dad had already found out that we always fought to see who would get to sit in the front of the truck. I wasn't the only one skating on thin ice. We were both in big trouble but we survived together. But, we also got grounded for a month and if my dad caught us fighting tooth and nail again for anything again we would have been grounded for two whole months. This is my story P.S. I never hit the roof again not even if somebody slapped me only if I had permission to.