Dr. Condoleeza Rice is the first black women ever to assist the president. She works for the National Security Affairs. Colin L. Powell became the first black Secretary of State.
Dr. Rice grew up in Alabama during segregation. Rice went to college at fifteen years old. She served on former President George Bush's National Security Council.
Powell grew up in a poor New York area. He was determined to work his way out of it. Powell was a professional soldier for thirty-five years. Secretary Powell was also the founder of America's Promise-The Alliance for Youth.
I think Powell and Rice are two intelligent people. They got far in life and did not let their color get in the way. Dr. Rice went to college at the age of fifteen years old. She is smarter than smart. Powell came from a poor family to Secretary of State. He got real far. It is not easy doing what they do! Tell what you would do if you were in their shoes.
How do you think they got so far in life? Do you think that you could do the same? Have you ever heard of Barack Obama? He's now a US Senator in Illinois. I heard him speak at the Democratic National Convention and think he's a brilliant man and a great role model. Do you think we will see a black president soon? If you're interested in politics, then maybe you could be the first one!
Posted by: Steve | December 08, 2004 at 05:17 PM