How Much Time?
Everyday Georgia has a lot of citizens who go to jail for using illegal drugs. Citizens who go to jail for using illegal drugs usually get sentenced 1-7 years of jail. Most of the populations of illegal drug users are in their teens.
Should illegal drug users get more time in jail if they are under 19?
Winona Ryder Story
Winona Ryder was an actress, who performed in many movies. This past week Ms. Ryder was supposed to be sentenced 10 years for shoplifting. Instead she only got probation, even though she stole $5,500 worth of clothing.
In your opinion, should she have been put in jail or do you agree with the punishment of probation?
Crashed Senator
On a very important day Senator Wellstone died in a plane crash , along with other people. No one person survived this dire plane crash. During this very important time all of America was concentrating on the elections. Walter Mondale was put in Wellstone's place to run for Senator.
If Wellstone were still alive, whom would you have voted for?
Whew, Brianna, you have some serious questions, and they deserve pondering. I don't have quick answers for any of them.
About teens in jail for drugs: I believe too many people get automatic harsh penalties for drug crimes. Drugs are very harmful, but some of the reactions to drugs are really over-reactions. These people usually need help, not just harsh punishment that puts them in jail with much worse criminals.
Winona Ryder: she's so famous, we really will never know what the story is here. It's not a major crime - and though she's a good actress, I can't bring myself to care very much.
Senator Wellstone: Many of the other senators didn't agree with all of his ideas, but he was a very principled man who worked very very hard to help the poorest, the weakest, and the sickest among us. I admired him very much. I hope the man who won the election will do as good a job as Senator Wellstone did.
Brianna, your writing gets better every time you post. Keep it up!
Posted by: Tim | December 04, 2002 at 09:52 PM
I think we have a big problem with people taking drugs who do not know about the consequences. I think records should be kept on people who are caught. They should have privileges taken away (jail time, serving house arrest, probation with community service, etc.) according to how often they are caught committing crimes due to drug use. Drugs are very addictive and rehabilitation is time-consuming and costly. This seems to be a problem in our society.
Ms. Ryder must also work hundreds of hours helping others in community service. Make sure all facts are stated. It slants the article.
Posted by: Marlee | December 17, 2002 at 03:57 PM
Dear Marlee,
Thank you for responding to me. I agree with you that we have a big problem with drug users. My DARE officer said that we also have ahumongous problem with gangs and the people in gangs. Also I don't agree with your statement having drug users privileges takenaway, they should just be thrown in jail. Even though I have an uncle whois addicted to drugs, I still think that people including my uncle should be put in jail.
Kayla was just telling me that she thinks you and her have the same interests, but I'm a different story! Do you like Harry Potter books or movies? Well I have seen both movies and I am reading thefifth book. My uncle(not the one who does drugs)Helps make the Harry Potter book! I enjoyed having this brief talk with you.
Posted by: Brianna | December 19, 2002 at 09:04 AM
Dear Tim,
Thank you for posting to me, you are very kind. I try to do my best when I am writing. My teacher says that my best subject is writing, and that my writing gets better every time I write something. I hope you will keep responding to me.
Posted by: Brianna | December 19, 2002 at 09:17 AM