Have you ever used a product that contained Ephedrine? Well, I advise you to stop immediately!
I had a friend who had a family member who died from Ephedrine. By the looks on their faces, I could feel the sadness in them. I knew this was devastating for their family. This tragedy drove me to research and learn all I could about ephedrine.
Ephedrine is linked to heart attacks, seizures, nervousness, heart muscle damage, irregular heart beat, and even deathL.
Ephedrine has been banned from Nebraska,United States, Canada, Olympic Committee and National Collegiate Athletic Association.
I plan to learn other things about ephedrine to help other people understand the pros and cons about this supplement. Never use dietary supplements that contain ephedrine.
Hi Brianna,
Did you know that epidrine is found in products, such as Metabolife, which is a popular diet aid. The FDA believes that ephedra may be related to more than 50 deaths? Most of the serious injuries involve high blood pressure that can cause bleeding in the brain, a stroke or a heart attack. I do not know anyone who has been seriously effected by taking this product, but the fact that you know someone who died will help make your paper powerful reading material. I can't wait.
Keep writing and I will too.
Posted by: Julie Corey | February 26, 2003 at 09:22 AM
Dear Ms.Julie Corey,
I did not know that ephesrine was found in Metabolife, but you just helped me with my homework! Ephedrine can also cause seizures, irregular heartbeat, high bloodpressure, and it causes problems in the central nevous system. Mrs. Davis also said that by adding my personal experience it would help the paper be more interesting.
See Ya'
Posted by: Brianna | February 26, 2003 at 04:30 PM