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Luba Kobzeff

Hi Brianna!
I just want to comment on this story-I know it's been a while but I cannot ever forget the major mistake of Duke University with Jessica. I was quoted in Newsweek magazine-they asked me how I felt about an illegal alien getting at the top of the list above others so sick in our country. I did not see anything wrong with her receiving the tx because she WAS very sick and it was her parents intent to take her back home once she healed. I did have a problem with people from other countries coming in and getting the tx although they were not at the critical stage.

I was diagnosed at birth with Eisenmenger's Syndrome &secondary pulmonary hypertension. I was born in '74 and at that time most babies died because the lungs couldn't take the extremely high PH pressures inside. At this time there is no cure for PH but there are medications to prolong & improve the quality of life fore people w/PH. I recently had my heart/double lung tx on 8-6-03 @ UCSD Med. Ctr. in San Diego, CA. I am now a statistic on the list of heart/lung transplants for this year-I'm doing just fabulous!

I am now the Manager of the Heart-Lung Transplant Support Group on MSN and it has been running since August/2000. I invite you and anyone else to come and take a look!

Luba Kobzeff/ 29 yo
Eisenmenger's Syndrome &PH
Hrt/dbl lung 8-6-2003
UCSD Med. Ctr., San Diego, CA.

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