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Julie Corey

Hi Brianna,
I accidentally hit the submit key instead of the post response key, so I am writing to you again and posting this time. As I stated earlier, there is an entire corporation set up to handle the redesign of the World Trade Center. The name of the coporation is the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation and I am sure whatever they come up with will be inspirational and BIG!
To date, LMDC has conducted a comprehensive public outreach campaign to inform, initiate dialogue and collect comments regarding the creation of a memorial. LMDC has created or participated in public forums such as Listening to the City, public hearings in all five boroughs and New Jersey, Community Board meetings, New Jersey and Connecticut families meetings and Advisory Council meetings. In addition, LMDC has solicited comments on the memorial through a mailing to family members, LMDCs website, and LMDCs newsletter.
To date, LMDC has conducted a comprehensive public outreach campaign to inform, initiate dialogue and collect comments regarding the creation of a memorial. LMDC has created or participated in public forums such as Listening to the City, public hearings in all five boroughs and New Jersey, Community Board meetings, New Jersey and Connecticut families meetings and Advisory Council meetings. In addition, LMDC has solicited comments on the memorial through a mailing to family members, LMDCs website, and LMDCs newsletter.
To date, LMDC has conducted a comprehensive public outreach campaign to inform, initiate dialogue and collect comments regarding the creation of a memorial. LMDC has created or participated in public forums such as Listening to the City, public hearings in all five boroughs and New Jersey, Community Board meetings, New Jersey and Connecticut families meetings and Advisory Council meetings. In addition, LMDC has solicited comments on the memorial through a mailing to family members, LMDCs website, and LMDCs newsletter.
Keep you eye on this story because there will be lots of news coverage as the plans are finalized.
Keep writing.

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