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Brianna and Jessica:How long have you been teaching?
Mrs. Mateling: I've been teaching for about 32 years.
Brianna and Jessica: What made you become a teacher?
Mrs. Mateling: The urge to help students to do something with their life.
Brianna and Jessica: Did you always want to be a teacher? If not what did you want to be?
Mrs.Mateling: No, I wanted to become a Social Worker. But soon realized, teaching was my real goal.
Brianna and Jessica: Do you ever think about retiring from your profession? Why?
Mrs. Mateling: Yes, because I feel that teachers get very little pay and respect.
Brianna and Jessica: Did you enjoy teaching at the middle school? Why or why not?
Mrs.Mateling: It was a very weird and dangerous experience.
Brianna and Jessica: What do you like about J.H. House?
Mrs.Mateling: The students are well behaved and our principal is very sincere and caring.
Brianna and Jessica: How do you control your anger towards kids?
Mrs. Mateling: I just take a deep breath and ask the LORD to help me, or I just make a joke.
Brianna and Jessica: Do you have any extra activities?
Mrs.Mateling: Yes, my whole life doesn't revolve around teaching.
Brianna and Jessica: What are your activities?
Mrs.Mateling: Being a mom and going to GOLDEN CORRAL. "local eating place"
Brianna and Jessica: How do you keep a positive attitude?
Mrs.Mateling: By always believing that there is a good side to everybody!
Brianna and Jessica: Any last words?
Mrs.Mateling: Don't become a teacher. We hardly get any money and children don't respect us. " I'm just kidding!'
Hi Brianna,
This is a really good interview that you and Jessica did. Isn't it really interesting to be able to talk to your teacher and learn different things about her. I am studying really hard to become a teacher and I hope that I will be the kind of teacher that students find interested and interesting.
I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to write you and your class lately. The time that I have been able to write has been well worth the effort because I have learned so much.
Have a great summer and hopefully we will be able to do this again next year.
Take care.
Posted by: Julie Corey | May 14, 2003 at 04:25 PM
Hi Julie,
It's been a while since we have talked. but I glad that we finally got to because Thursday was our last meeting. I'm not sure if I will be able to do this at the middle school next year.
Don't forget about me! :)
Brianna [[email protected]]* 5/17/03; 4:25:21 PM
Posted by: Brianna | May 17, 2003 at 02:17 PM