Physical Education

Class Weblog

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Hillary Meeler

Yes Diane, I am in the same boat. I am so intrigued with blogging that I wish I could spend hours that I don't have reading and posting and creating! I too have started my own weblog,, that I hope you will comment to every now and then. In addition, I have the pleasure of working with a group of fifth graders who will start their very own weblogs!

It is truly amazing how famous our instructor is out there in the world of bloggers! Aren't we lucky!

Anne Davis

Now you have made a great beginning so don't quit now! Post away! The kids have their blogs now so you simply must keep up with them! Show off your excellent writing skills!


Yes, this reminds me of my first post. I was scared, but I'm not scared annymore. I've learned how to proofread.


Hello it is Maira.And there are a lot of stuff that stop me from smiling.Like some kids in my class bother me. Some talk about me. And Iwould want to talk to you on eney day . Please come for me for I can talk more about it.Thank You!


Dear Ms.halloran I read your letter.Yesterday was my moms birthday. On Sunday we were going to celebrate it. I was so happy until she tould me we weren't going to celebrate. I was so fustrayed. But then after school on Monday we went to a nice dinner.So I guest yuor right.But this it came out good!


Hi Mrs.Holloran here are some words about feeling jelless ,worried,sad,mad,when they crash into a car.


I hope you get better,we miss you. We all hope you'll be around in the hall so we could see you soon!


Mrs. Halloron I hope you feel better from your bell's palsy.I hope you recover soon. I still think you are pretty even if you have bell's palsy. I like you for who you are ,and you try to hard. I wish there was a way I could pay for your gratitude. I like you 'cause you are so nice. THANK YOU MRS. HALLORON.


Sorry about the Bell's Palsy. oh, I completely understand your sicknes. I didn't even notice it. I didn't even know there was such of that sickness. I'm very sad about your sicknes. Hope you get well soon.


George Anderson

Mrs. Halloran,
I am not one of your students, but I am learning a lot from what you are doing. I really would like for you to visit my site and explain to my readers what you are doing with your students.
Notes From The World of Anger Management.
George Anderson


I think it sounded great.

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