I really liked what you students had to say about feelings. It looks like many of you worry just like I used to! I liked what Gianna said when she said that it helped to talk to her friend. Talking about unpleasant feelings is the best way to feel better. I guess when you share them, then it's kind of like letting someone help you carry them ~ they are not so heavy!
Another feeling that many of you have is anger. In 4th grade, we have been talking about ways to deal with anger. We have talked about deep breathing, counting backwards slowly, thinking nice thoughts, and doing some appropriate self-talk. In 5th grade, we have been talking about giving "I Messages." I Messages are when you tell someone how you are feeling by saying for example, "John, I felt mad when you borrowed my bicycle and return it with a flat tire, because now I have to fix it before I can ride it. I think you should return things in the same condition they were in when you borrowed them."
With an I Message, you say:
- The person's name
- How you feel
- Why
- What you want to happen.
It's not magic ~ it doesn't make the problem go completely away, but you sure feel better because you are in control and you have let the person know just how you feel.
Do any of you have any other ways that you handle anger? Remember, they have to be appropriate ~ you can't hurt people and you can't hurt things in dealing with anger.
Mrs. Halloran whenmy brother does someyhing bad I get really angrey.But I then I fnd a way to settl it then I have to give him a lolypop.
Posted by: Aresley | January 04, 2005 at 12:17 PM
I hope you feel better from your mouth.I wish you got better.But you are really nice to us.
Posted by: Estrefania | January 04, 2005 at 12:22 PM
I hope you feel better.this may acually be about your feeling letter .But I want you to know that
you are realy nice .I like it when you are gental with people.
Posted by: Mayra | January 04, 2005 at 12:22 PM
How I control my anger when I get hurt is to take a deep breath and calm down. But it always doesn't work with my sister. Well by for now.
Posted by: Davis | January 04, 2005 at 12:23 PM
I think it's nice of to help kids with there probloms,becuase you don't just help them with there probloms, you even help them understand that if they have any friends that have kind of the same problom they had they can tell there friend the same thing you told them. I realy am telling you the truth.
Posted by: Blanca | January 04, 2005 at 12:39 PM
I think that this is a great way to let kids express there feelings.
Posted by: Sarah | October 11, 2006 at 05:32 PM