Hi Boys and Girls!
I am really impressed with all your blogging! You are making some really good comments that show your good thinking!
I noticed some of you have wished me well about my face problem. Thank you very much Also, some of you do not understand it, so I thought I would compose a post about it. I have done a lot of research on it! It is called Bell's Palsy and it happens when a nerve in your face (called the 7th cranial facial nerve) gets infected with a virus which is like the chicken pox virus. It causes the facial muscles to become paralyzed because the nerve is sick and can't pass them along. Don't worry, you can't catch it from anyone. It mainly affects people who are between 20 and 40 years old. The good news is that it won't last. WHEW!! It will take 3 to 6 months to be completely gone, though. Meanwhile, I am supposed to get lots of rest and not worry too much.
People have asked me how I got it. One night, I realized that I couldn't close my left eye and I knew something was wrong. I went to the doctor and he told me what it was. I had to have a CT scan of my head to make sure that there was nothing else wrong. A CT scan is like a very sophisticated X-ray. They were able to see inside my head and tell me exactly what was wrong. They even said I had a brain!! :-)
Many of you have seen that I can't smile. That is what bothers me the most about having Bell's Palsy. One student even said to me, "Mrs. Halloran, it looks like you don't like us any more!" That breaks my heart because I love you all! You will just have to believe that even though my smile is not as big as it was before, I do love you just the same. I may not be smiling at you with my face, but I am smiling at you from the inside with my heart!
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