Wow! So many of you have some strong feelings about bullying! Some of you have had trouble with bullies and some of you have acted like bullies. At some time in their lives, most people have hurt someone else, without meaning to, by acting like a bully. But some people act that way all the time. Those people do not feel very good about themselves and try to feel better by beating up on someone smaller.
We are learning in our classes things to do if you are bothered by a bully. First, tell the bully to stop. You can say, "Quit that! I don't like it!" Or, "Will you stop bothering me, please!" If that doesn't work, at least you have stood up for yourself and let the bully know that you can't be pushed around. Next, get away from the bully, if you can or get help from an adult.
In some of our classes, we will be doing some role plays to practice what to do. Good luck and remember ~ YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE SAFE AT ALL TIMES.
I'm really happy that you talk about this with us.Because I used to be bullyd by another person in pre-k , but not in this school.So I'm happy now that I am clear.
Posted by: Kristeen | February 09, 2005 at 12:33 PM
I would like to get bullyed around. I would go tell a teacher.
Posted by: De'Ericka | March 08, 2005 at 12:36 PM
I hate when people bully.To many people get in trouble and they get suspended.bye
Posted by: Taylor | March 08, 2005 at 02:13 PM
I hate getting bullyed around. I get bullyed by my brothers.But I start it a lot of times.I think it's funny until I hurt my self.bye!
Posted by: erica | March 23, 2005 at 12:39 PM
I think that nobody should be bullyed around. Also, I think that people should help stop bullying.
Posted by: Darion | March 24, 2005 at 01:01 PM
Bullying can be very cruel. Thank you for showing Ms.Tobler's, and Henning's class "Broken Toy".It was really sad and really made me think.Lately, I've been TRYING to be nicer to my sister,but she is always avoiding it.If I don't get to talk to you before the end of the school year, Happy Trails!
Posted by: Samuel Vaughn | May 12, 2005 at 02:03 PM
I am really glad to hear that bullying is being discussed in the schools. However, I think students should be given more options than to just say "I don't like that, leave me alone." That might work for younger students but as students get older, they will continue bullying a student to get the desired response. The student has shown that it upsets them, and by telling and getting the bullying student in trouble, then that student will receive the desired attention, and will possibly continue with that behavior.
Posted by: D'Lynn Dustin (college student) | June 21, 2006 at 08:28 AM