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Vanessa B.

Hey there Derrick,
You kids down in Georgia are a very amazing bunch. I really enjoyed working with you and hope I helped you with your writing, although honestly it's already very advanced for a person your age. Someday you kids will be excellent journalists. But until then I'd suggest just having fun with the abilities you've aquired already! You've done some great work and you should be very proud of yourself. It was a lot fun getting to know you. Bye bye for now,
~Vanessa ^_^


I guess this is good bye. It has been a lot of fun working with you. Me trying to help you and you helping me. I have learned a lot from you and even when I was trying to help you I learned some new stuff. Its to bad that I dont have this class anymore so we can still talk and help each other out. But it has been fun. And just remember when you write. Write about something that you like and is fun. Writing is supose to be fun so have fun with it. Ill hopefully talk to you later.
CU when I C U,

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