1.What's your favorite thing about weblogs?
What I like about weblogs is that you can choose your background and have comments.
2. How have you changed?
I have changed with my writing and punctuation errors and misprints. I have more confidence.
3. Do you feel more confident about any of your skills: computer? Writing? Reading?Explain.
I feel more confident about my writing, reading, and how to use the weblogs because I have a good computer teacher ( Mrs. Davis).
4. Do you ever find yourself helping others to learn something? How does that feel? Is this normal?
Yes, I find myself helping others and it doesn't feel bad at all unless you screw up.
5. If an outsider visited your site, what would you hope he or she would think about it?
If someone did look at my site than I hope they say it is very good looking at the writings.
6. What skills that you have now that you didn't have are most valuable to you and why?
I think that I do have some skills that are now valuable to use because now I think I feel like a computer geek.
7. In what ways have you become a better writer?
The way that I became a better writer is that I can write a little faster than before. My ideas aren't as scrambled as they used to be.
8. If you could start a weblog of your own, what would you write about?
If I made my own weblog than I would write about the life that I live in.
9.What did you think of the Georgia-NJ Connection?
What I thought of the Georgia-NJ Connection was that it was awesome and I liked whom I worked with. As soon as I came into the lab the first thing I would do is to check if Dave and Vennesa B. had responded to me.
10. Did you tell anyone about your weblog? Did others read your weblog? What feedback did you get from people outside the class,if any?
I told a few people about the weblog and I got some great feedback on my weblog. One person said that I had no spelling errors and that I have been typing better.