This is my weblog where we write about current events and other ideas. I am in the fifth grade and have been in Mrs. Davis' group twice. This is my second year in the computer group. If you want to join my site, first you go on the internet and then you go to the join now button and PRESS it and type your first name and email address and press enter. Then you're in!
Note from Derrick's teacher: Derrick is a member of a group of fifth graders (ESL and native-English speaking) who are using weblogs to become better writers. The class weblog is Thinking & Writing Wrinkles. The server for the blog where this site was originally hosted has become unstable. This blog has been transfered from manila software to typepad software so some transfers may not look as well as the original site did but the content written by Derrick remains the same. Mrs. Anne Davis
[email protected]