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Hello and allow me to introduce myself. I am SuperThinker, world famous blogging superhero. My favorite thing to do is blog--read blogs, post blog entries, and commment on great blogs like yours! You are very insightful Derrick. I often feel I don't have enough time for all the important things in life like talking to friends and family, reading, or taking walks with my dogs. But, I always make time to say hello to people and I always smile at people, even when I don't feel so great. You know why? Because I KNOW a smile makes people relax. I believe in CAUSE and EFFECT. You do something (cause) and something happens (effect). What the world needs is less stress, I make the cause (smiling)so I can help create the effect (less stress). Well Derrick, I look forward to reading your blog again soon!


Hi, Superthinker! I have a question for you, "Do you work at a school?" Thanks for the remarkable comment for the writing. I think I'll start doing what you said about the (cause and effect). Can you see my smile?

Thanks again for responding to us!!! :-)


Hi, Superthinker! I have a question for you, "Do you work at a school?" Thanks for the remarkable comment for the writing. I think I'll start doing what you said about the (cause and effect). Can you see my smile?

Thanks again for responding to us!!! :-)


Hi Derrick! Yes, I work at a school, but I also work outside of school. You see, I have made a vow--promise, oath--to travel all over and get people sharing their ideas. Just imagine how much better our world would be if we all used our super smart brains to solve problems and communicate cool new ideas! One of the best ways of communicating, besides blogging of course, is WITH A SMILE because that's communicating happiness, which is what I wish for you and for everyone this Christmas. Thanks for helping me pass around smiles for Christmas! Wait...let me squint my eyes...yes...wait...yes, I think I...yes, I CAN see your smile!!!


I did what you said.... I SMILED real big at everyone that I saw. Did you have a good Christmas, I did. Your right about the comunication, there are more ways to communcate.
Your friend,


Yes, I did have a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. I hope your Christmas was great, too! Happy New Year and I hope it is a great one for you!!!

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