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Nancy Barajas

You are absolutely correct! You are an excellent writer and so thoughtful in what you say. I have learned quite a bit from your writings. Keep it up!


I think weblogs are fabulous because they allow writers to express their feelings and share their ideas. Hmmm... I see you are using different font colors and sizes to emphasize a point. Interesting and very effective. Well, you can rest assured that I, SuperThinker, know that you ARE the "top dog in writing!" (top dog--another idiom)


Hey Mrs. Barajas, You really think I am an exellent writer? I really thank you. You are a great teacher from people know.

Thanks a lot.


Hey Mrs. Barajas, I forgot to proofread my work and it doesn't sound right. I really think I should proofread in the future from now on.

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