A= Anne Davis
B= Blogs
C= computer
D= disk
E = Evaluate
F= Friends, first draft
H= Hard drive
I= idioms
J= jobs/ Jotlist
K= k5
L= loudness
M= Murphy is let loose in the lab
N= new students
P= Project/ project your voice
Q= Quickly do our work
S= SuperThinker
T= Teacher
V= Vocal noise
Y= year of computers
Z= Zaxlies
Disk: D is for disk that we use if we have loooooooooooong stories that would take 1 hour to re-type. Using a disk makes it easy when we have long stories, all you have to do is... you first type, than you save it on the disk. Than you go to the weblog page where you are going to put it,paste it, than post, and finally post to home page.
M: M is for Mouse potatoes which is different from the idiom couch potatoe. A mouse potatoes is someone who actually keeps thier hand on the mouse of the CPU wich means they really love to be on the computer.
P: P is for projecting our voices when some people talk very SOFTLY. Mrs. Davis wants all the students to project their voices.