We made our own weblogs and did posts about the news, our life, vacations, fun things to do, family activities, and more idioms. We got to talk to friends and teachers. We had some fun when Mrs. Davis introduced us to SuperThinker. She used to give us responses and clues so we could guess who she was. We are still trying to figure it out. Mrs. Davis said she would tell us who it is by the end of the year but some of us thought it was Mrs. Mateling, one of our fifth grade teachers. I really want to find out who it is by next Thursday. We had a lot of research papers and we had to do it for homework. We are now in a nice class and we are now busy as beavers. When I started I had a lot of mistakes and now that I was in Mrs. Davisªs class I have gotten a lot better. Thanks to Mrs. Davis I am better than ever. Before I had three sentences and now I have paragraphs that are short but to the point. I have never seen long writing except for authors, but still they write books. We had lots of fun this year and I hope all the others do too.
Hellooooo Derrick! It is I, SuperThinker, your superblogging pal (who is definitely not Ms. Mateling) Well, you Wrinkles blogger have been so superfabulously wonderfully talented that I think I might be able to reveal my secret identity by Thursday on one condition. You must never let the cat out of the bag because my identity must remain a closely guarded secret, known to just a special few. Can you keep SuperThinker's supersecret?
Posted by: SuperThinker | May 14, 2004 at 12:00 PM