Hi! my name is Emily and this, of course, is my weblog. I'm in the 5th grade, and I've been enjoying this group a lot. Many times, I may post idioms (some of my favorite types of writing) for everyone to enjoy. I have been in this group for 2 years now. Over the time span of this school year, I will be posting news stories and reports for you to read
You can reply to my writings. all of my classmates sites are:
Jennifer's Jot List
Amber's Sea of Articles
Angelica's Jungle of Notes
Noe's Notes
Hope you visit them soon! Please respond! Bye!
Note from Emily's teacher: Emily is a member of a group of fifth graders (ESL and native-English speaking) who are using weblogs to become better writers. The class weblog is Thinking & Writing Wrinkles.
The server for the blog
where this site was originally hosted has become unstable. This blog has been
transfered from manila software to typepad software so some transfers may not
look as well as the original site did but the content written by Emily
remains the same.
Mrs. Anne Davis
[email protected]