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Wow Emily! I am most impressed and thank you so much for reporting on this important issue. The health and safety of all living beings should always be first! I am also impressed that you asked the question of us--what can we do about it...
Well, I think we the people should wite to the government and demand that they send a team to inspect the factory to find out what safety precautions are being taken. Are workers given masks and other protective wear? Are those precautions enough? The government should also find out how the damage is done. Is damage done by breathing in the chemicals or touching them? We should find out what department in the government handles these kinds of problems.


Your replies are so inspirational! Hey, Do you have a weblog of your own? If so, I'm guessing its really popular. Would you be willing to send me your URL? Hey, can I ask one more question? Where do you work? Thank you for responding to most of my stories SuperThinker!


Hi there Emily! I'm so thrilled--elated, overjoyed, jubilant--that you are inspired by my words because I was certainly inspired by yours. And, yes, I do have a blog. It is called "BlogHeads." I chose that titled because I want to inspire students to use their "heads" (to think) to "blog" (to write). The URL is http://npera1.tblog.com. You are most welcome to visit the site and leave a post. I'm always looking for new blogheads to write with! Where do I work? I work all over the blogosphere, of course!


Hey, thanks for telling me that you have a site and giving me the URL for it too. Also can you answer another question for me? Are you a teacher SuperThinker? Well I know one thing, you ARE a super thinker!!!!!!!!

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