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Emily, that was a great, great work. Just remember to put the tittle but everything else was perfect!!!!!!!


Hola Emily, it is I, SuperThinker, your always on the dot superhero blogger! The short story you wrote about me was really out of this world! I want you to know you're the apple of my eye! Better yet--visit my site and read my short story about you. I think you'll find you're a shining star!!!


I am so proud of your efforts on this story! I have shown it to everyone and even posted it on my weblog! I'll show you on Thursday! Excellent work! Can't wait to see more of your writing!
Mrs. Davis


Emily,the story you did was a exellent story!I really liked it reminds me when I was liitle and I watched super hero cartoons.Dont forget to put a title,but over all I really liked it!


Mrs.Davis for the words of encouragement!!! Oh, I'm blushing wildly and grinning like there is no tomorrow!!! Thanks!!!!


Superthinker, I read the short story and I LOVED IT SO VERY MUCH!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! My whole body's blushing now and I think my smile is taking up 2/3rds of my face!!!!!!!!!! ^-^


Thanks Jacqueline and Yoceline for the helpful comments! But remember proofread your comments and only press submit once!!! It happens to everyone though.


Hi there Emily! SuperThinker here! Well if your smile is taking up 2/3rds of your face then you must feel the same way I felt when I read your story about me! Hee hee hee--great minds think alike ya' know! Blog 'ya later, gator!

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