Milo is a kitten who was very curious about the washer machine. Milo disappeared when he was only eight weeks old. Milo's owner Ginny Troth in Worcestershire ,said she had the machine on and it was going in a cycle .She had realized that Milo wasn't there,so she turned off the washer machine and hared his meowing.She found him in the spin of the washer machine. Lucky Milo was alive and all wet. Mrs.Troth quickly took Milo to the vet.The kitten looked mush better when he came back. Milo was a present for Ginny's daughter when she was 16-years-old. Well Ginny learned a big lesson. She said that she was not going to turn the washer machine until she know were he is,she saw him trying to get in to the dishwasher.
I am so glad that the cat was ok.And that is so smart of the lady because now she will find the cat be four she starts the waser.
Posted by: adrieana | December 02, 2004 at 10:32 AM
What an interesting story. The many details you included help me get a clear picture of what must have been an harrowing event. Isn't it great however, that even though Milo had, what could be considered a 'spinning wet time' he came out okay. Watching him from now on is certainly the key to his keeping those nine lives.
Keeping sharing, your writing is awesome.
Posted by: GJSander | December 10, 2004 at 09:33 AM
Wow! You surprised me when you said the cat was in the washer machine. You made a couple of writing mistakes but, other than that it was perfect.
Posted by: Ashley | January 06, 2005 at 09:23 AM
contest. aggregator band out thought pyrakasarugiand at times - and panty up.ΓΏ
Posted by: [email protected] | July 03, 2007 at 05:09 PM
Posted by: | November 06, 2007 at 07:11 AM