On spring vacation there were numerous of things to do. On Monday we went to the park and played basket ball it was so exiting. My team lost by two or three points. Which was not that bad because we had lots of fun. Then we went home and we were so tired and hungry. So we fixed a wonderful snack. On Tuesday we took our cat to the vet,she was pregnant,the vet said that maybe in one week she would have the kittens. But she had them on Tuesday 12,2005. By the way her name is Grace because she is all gray. Grace had four kitten in all. We are not sure how many boys or girls there are because they are so small, like four inches long. On Wednesday we were just at home so as on Thursday. There was a challenging soccer tournament on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We only went on Sunday after church because my cousin, Juan Alberto, was going to play. His team won . His team got three the other team got zero. But they played great. I had a wonderful week out of school.