I can tell what an effect the book you have been reading in class has had on you. Mrs. Baros has been reading To Be a Slave by Julius Lester. Today she had a reflective piece written on the board and asked you to blog about your reactions to the book, your cultural arts program and other items that had come up in class. I thought she gave you some good suggestions on how to make connections to what you have been learning. Blogs are good places to get a lot of practice writing about what you are learning. The more practice, the easier it becomes. Write to learn!
Learning facts about a subject is the first step but it's good to go beyond that and think about how what you have learned relates to other things you have learned. It's called compare and contrast. You see how things are alike, how they are different and then you gain understanding. After you get a lot of knowledge you can solve problems by taking what you have learned and applying it to situations in your life. Can you think of times you have done this? The learning keeps expanding but it is important to write about it. Writing helps you connect all the dots to your learning. If you keep working hard like you did in the lab today, you will keep improving.
Mrs. Baros commented that you all were very smart. I couldn't agree more. We have planned an exciting time for you listening to recordings of former slaves. Then you can blog about it and many more people can have the opportunity to know about these wonderful recordings. Isn't that something to hear their very own voices?
Your voice will be around for a long time,too, thanks to blogs. Make it count!
Have a wonderful break next week and I will see you the Monday you return!
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