A is for attitude: When it comes to weblogs, attitude is everything
B is for brainstorming: When Mrs. Davis asks us a question, the whole group starts brainstorming to answer it.
C is for comments: Every Thursday I am tickled pink when I get or recieve new comments because I know whether or not I need corrections.
D is for dictionary: We use dictionaries to correct our spelling and look up new words to bump up our vocabulary.
E is for evaluate: The Wrinkles group always evaluates posts that we have written to see or hear whether its good, great, or excellent.
F is for friends:
G is for Georgis State:
H is for help:
I is for idioms:
J is for Jimmy Carter's Blog:
K is for knowledgeable:
L is for Legislators:
M is for mouse potatoes:
N is for neveverending:
O is for Oh,No!:
P is for paragraphs:
Q is for quotation:
R is for research:
S is for sensational:
T is for technology: Everyday Thursday we use technology to get our work done
U is for utilities:
V is for vocabulary: Mrs. Davis usually says to bump up our vocabulary.
W is for weblogs:
X is for
Y is for yearly program:
Z is for zany: Once in a while we let loose and get zany, but eventually we pull back together and start blogging like maniacs.