This is just a sneak peek of the blook written and illustrated by the Thinking and Writing Wrinkles group. This picture is one of the drawings in our blook of blogs. Sadly, though this is our last meeting in this spectactular blog group. I am going to miss it.sniff. Well I guess it is time to let you have a sneak peek of what the story is.
mouse potatoes, making comments, Murphy, marvelous, minds
Murphy gets loose, make a mountain out of a molehill
It is marvelous to make and answer comments. We are mouse potatoes because we are so busy working on the computer, learning new things. Sometimes we get frustrated because Murphy gets loose in the lab. If we think we may not finish our weblogs, we have been known to make a mountain out of a molehill about this. However, we always climb the mountain and accomplish our goals. Weblogs make us use our minds!
You really have blossomed since you began with Weblogs! You are more expressive in what you are saying and sharing. Thank you and the group for sharing the little time that I did get to spend with you.
Mrs. J. Smith
Posted by: Jeanie S. | May 20, 2004 at 03:11 PM
I used to have a mouse when I was in the 3rd grade. His name was Nigel. He broke loose one day and we couldn't capture him. He started eating food in our cupboard. Finally my father set a trap for him and we caught him. He died not long after that. I like gerbils too. What's a mouse potatoe?
Posted by: Aaron Campbell | May 20, 2004 at 08:54 PM