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claire hires

Compared to your peers you seem to be on top of your game. I appeciate your encouragement. Hopefully we can keep in touch. You seem to be very fluent in your vocabulary. Just remember that I am going to be teaching 4-8th grade, so there is a possibility that I could you have you as one of my students, how delightfull that would be! Claire Hires (you can call me Sparky)

alex davis

Dear Jhonathan,
Thank you so much for your advices ; they will help me to be a better teacher. Thanks to you, I know what is really important for the students. I will do my best to reflect everyday on your advices when I start to teach. Respect is a very important element, and I am so glad that you mentionned it. I will also do my best to remember that learning has not always been easy for me and that I was glad to have teachers willing to take the time to help me.
My best to you.

Ms. Davis


Hi! I realy like hearing from you. I like you to know that they call me cookie. So you may call me cookie.

jhonathan ferreira de sousa

jhionathan gosta de meninas de estilos bem legais como pessoas de bem estar

jhonathan ferreira de sousa

jhionathan gosta de meninas de estilos bem legais como pessoas de bem estar


you suck but you is still right about teacher also you suck

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