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Your article about Osama Bin Laden made me think. Some people think he is not a real threat. Do you think he is?
Mr. Brune

P.S. I'm showing my class right now how to comment to you and your classmates.


I think that they should catch Osama Bin Laden too. Because he is a bad person.


Why do people think that Osama Bin Ladin is a bad man and why do they say that he is a terroist? Why do you think that he should be captured? Why would anyone get a reward for $135. It should be $5,000.

p.s. I liked the report on Bin Laden. GOOD JOB.

Ms. Roper

Your post was excellent. I could see you sitting at the CNN news desk reporting to us live. Have you ever thought about being a report? You have a real talent for writing news stories.


I like the sentence where you said I would like Bin Laden to get captured and never hurt anyone else. That gives a feeling that you care about American people.

P.S. I like to play soccer. And I am a 4th grader.

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