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Mrs. Davis

Now you have made me quite curious! Where were these missing explosives? Who are "they" that you mention in your story? You have the makings of a good story but remember you always need to think of the 5 W's - who, what, where, when and why. Answer those for your readers! Keep on working hard and your writing will improve! What steps do you think you need to take to be a better writer?


Ms.Davis thank you for helping me have your advise of the 5-W's. I have never thought of that. I can't belive that I couldn't thike I could try my best but I will.Thanks for the advice


I can not beleive that no one was guarding explosives. Who would steal explosives? I guess somebody like Saddam.


Thanks for writting back to me. Who would not be gureding the explosises.would you?

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