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Julie Corey

Hi Kayla,
The name of the first African-American in space -- Guion S. Bluford Jr.
Our next search, on Bluford's full name, revealed more details about the decorated pilot and astronaut. Bluforda colonel in the U.S. Air Force, became a NASA astronaut in August 1979. He launched into space on August 30, 1983, aboard the Challenger, on the Space Shuttle's third mission. He served on three more NASA missions and logged over 688 hours in space before leaving NASA in July 1993.
Though Bluford was the first African-American to enter space, he was not the first African-American astronaut. That distinction belongs to Robert H. Lawrence, Jr., who became an astronaut on June 10, 1967. Tragically, Lawrence never made it into space. A short time later, he was killed when his plane crashed during a training flight.
Other notable African-Americans in the space program include Bernard A. Harris, the first African-American to walk in space, and Mae C. Jamison, the first African-American woman in space.
Keep writing.


Hi Julie,
You are so write.I thought it was amasing that when I heard he did that.I hope that I will be an excellent journalist.I got to go,Bye



You are so smart!!!

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