Mrs.Davis is letting us interview our teacher. Here are some questions I would like to ask her.
- If you were president for one day, what would you change?
- Why would you change it?
- Do you believe that Laci Peterson's husband is quilty?Why?
- What response would you give a person who made fun of you?Why?
- What figures do you believe should be on the Georgia flag?Why?
- What do you think makes J.H. House a good school?
- What is your favorite topic to teach?
- What is your favorite thing to talk about?
- How would you label Saddam?
- What is your saddiest situation?Why?
- Has there been one day where you have just ran out of patience?
- What is your most exciting topic to teach in social studies?
- If you had a chance to sing professionally would you quit teaching?
- How do you treat your students that are in honor roll?
- How are your students important to you?
- Are you positive that your students will succed?
I think your questions are very interesting! You work hard on just about everything you do.(work that is.) I expecially liked number 6.
Keep working hard and I will keep responding to you as well! bye, Ben.
Posted by: Ben | April 28, 2003 at 11:58 AM
Thank you very much!!!!!!
I think that you have a very unique way of writing!!!!!!!!
Chat Later
Posted by: Kayla | April 28, 2003 at 12:01 PM