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Yes I do think there will be a nother movie I will go and see it one day or a nother.


Why do you think that there will be another movie?

Pat Street

Hi Lacey!
I haven't seen the SpongeBob movie, but I'd like to. I like funny movies so I'm glad to year you say that this one is comical.
I definitely think there will be another SpongeBob movie, and probably MORE than one more! Why? Because the characters in the movie are really popular, and lots of people will want to see more of them. The company that produced the movie will say to themselves, "Hey! Let's make another movie! We can make another big pile of money from it!"

Keep blogging! I love your class's blog and it was fun to read your posts!

Pat Street


I think so, too! People love to make movies, so they canget richer. I would make movies for free!

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