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Julie Corey

Hi Lindsay,

This is a really good interview that you and Perla did. Isn't it really interesting to be able to talk to your teacher and learn different things about her. I am studying really hard to become a teacher and I hope that I will be the kind of teacher that students find interested and interesting.

I am sorry that I have not had the opportunity to write you and your class lately. The time that I have been able to write has been well worth the effort because I have learned so much.

Have a great summer and hopefully we will be able to do this again next year.

Take care.


Long time no hear from Julie . Hey but that's OK. Thank you ,you have been the most faithful responder. Hey remember I'm a fifth grader and I'll be unable to pertisapate next year, but I was informed that I will be able to pertisapate in a program over the summer and
I will be able tohave a schoolblog or two and I will give you the web adress also I plan to keep this one up and running. Well I'll talk to ya later. Peace Out! Lindsay G


Long time no hear from Julie . Hey but that's OK. Thank you ,you have been the most faithful responder. Hey remember I'm a fifth grader and I'll be unable to pertisapate next year, but I was informed that I will be able to pertisapate in a program over the summer and
I will be able tohave a schoolblog or two and I will give you the web adress also I plan to keep this one up and running. Well I'll talk to ya later. Peace Out! Lindsay G


Hey sorry about posting twice oh well peace out

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