Lucyyy First of all I just want to say that you have done a great job so far in all of your web log posts. When I was in fifth grade, we didn't even have computers in our classrooms and I would have never been able to figure out how to work these things. I think its amazing that you guys can do this as well as you have been. You are very lucky to have this opportunity and I'm glad that I will be able to help you. Just remember I have been in your shoes and you have nothing to worry about. Keep an open mind and have fun because that's the most important thing! Now about your news did everything you were supposed included the 5 Wâs, that introduce the article smoothly. This makes it very clear to the reader of what the rest of the article will be about which is the purpose of a lead. Keep up the good work. The only thing that I suggest is adding a little more detail into the lead. This will just make it more interesting to the reader to make them want to continue reading. I will give you an example, instead of just saying: Joe Shmo went to the mall yesterday and robbed a store because he didn't want to pay. Try saying: It was a normal day at the mall yesterday until Joe Shmo was seen running out of a store with shoes and clothes stuffed in his jacket. This just makes it a little more exciting then just reading the facts. You seem to have a very good grasp on writing leads and I'm sure the rest of your story will be just as good. Have a little fun with words, I know you can do it. If you have any questions feel free to post them and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Bye hun! Kristine