Wow, i am really impressed with your work. I remember when i was your age, i barely knew what a computer was, and i NEVER used the internet until i was in like 7th grade. You guys really amaze me. I also have to compliment you on your bravery. If i was in your situation, i dont know if i would have enough courage to show my stuff to older people. I was so nervous about putting my stories online. Considering everyone can see them, including the teacher, my peers, and anybody who just happens to be wandering on the net, it left me feeling really exposed. i would never have the guts that you have. i look up to you. I also just want to say that you dont have to be scared. I am hear to help you, NOT to make you feel bad. Anything criticism i ever give to you, its only bc i want to see you succeed. You are off to an amazing start with all the leads iv seen, and i think with all the feedback you are going to be getting from us, we are going to be learning a lot from each other.
Dear Ali!!,
Thank you SO,SO,SO, much for compamenting me!! You made me feel so good-and trust me good is not theword!!
I have never in my whole life had an older person look up to me!! I mean I just blown to pieces! I'm overwhelmed by your flattery!!! I should be the one tell you all this and you are not me! But, I do look up to you, I do think of you as a well journalist and so much more! Did you really feel nervous? I don't think that I'm so nervous.-I mean when we first began I thought,"Ohhh! This is so COOL!,"I just thought that hey I'll have my own website how hard could it be? To me it wasn't something that I could really be nervous about.
Well, we have testing so we only had 1 hour and had alot to do. I will write back soon!,
Lucy U.:)
Posted by: Lucy | March 20, 2003 at 11:32 AM