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Dear Ali!!,
Thank you SO,SO,SO, much for compamenting me!! You made me feel so good-and trust me good is not theword!!
I have never in my whole life had an older person look up to me!! I mean I just blown to pieces! I'm overwhelmed by your flattery!!! I should be the one tell you all this and you are not me! But, I do look up to you, I do think of you as a well journalist and so much more! Did you really feel nervous? I don't think that I'm so nervous.-I mean when we first began I thought,"Ohhh! This is so COOL!,"I just thought that hey I'll have my own website how hard could it be? To me it wasn't something that I could really be nervous about.
Well, we have testing so we only had 1 hour and had alot to do. I will write back soon!,
Lucy U.:)

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