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I like it a lot. It def hooked me in. Now i want to know more of the story, which is a really good thing. It gave me a shock at the end when you threw in the comment about his mother and his WIFE. i liked that. idont have anymore time to write, but ill write more toyou asap.


You're newest lead is great! You did a good job making it moreattention grabbing for readers. I see much improvement from the last time. The next step would be to just go on with the story and answer any questions that the lead creates and continue with whats happening in the story.
Now tell me what you think about my lead:
"Support our troops, support our troops." The chant echoed down Main Street, over and over again, the protestors hands grasping American flags. Their faces were red with passionate anger as they shouted their words even louder to drown out the chanting heard across the street. The chant that was voiced in reprisal was, "support our troops bring them home" only this group of people were holding their hands up in a peace sign. They remained calm and didnt yell back at the enraged crowd. They wanted to stay peaceful, after all peace is what they were striving for. With an equal number of people on both sides it is clear to any passing car that both groups have the same amount of support. They both have valid thoughts and opinions concerning the war, only they happen to be directly opposite. On one side of the street they support the war, and on the other they want peace.
In the picture on our webpage I am the girl in the very back...I look taller then everyone because I'm standing on a chair. I'm behind the kid in the red shirt and I have brown hair. Hopefully that will help you find me.
Talk to you later, Kristine


You are SO pretty!!:)
Mrs.Davis told us that you girls and guysmay not bemeeting with Mr.Richardson any more and that if you wanted that you could still write to us and stuff like that!:)
Thank you so much for helping us with our nut-graphs, for helping me improve in my writing, and for giving me great construtive criticiam.(I have never given anyone constructive criticiam.)
If you don't know where I am in the picture this is how to find me:I am in the middle row I have brown hair like you, I have a jacket on that's like a grayish blackish, my hair is ina pony-tail.
Good Luck,
Loveya lots,
Lucy U.

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