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Dear Kristine,
Thank you so much for all of that information! It helped Dane and I alot!(Dane is in the newsquest and he read this also.) Plus that I also got to read the article that Amanda wrote to him!!!:)
This sounds alot like the article that(s) we read from the TFK.-yes I do know that the article was from TFK. I really did like the article. In my opinion I think that is was sort-of stupid or dumb that they arrested the guy JUST because he wouldn't take his shirt off!!!:) Talk to ya later!!!:)
Thank you SO much!!!:),
Lucy U.:)


Dear Kristine,
Thank you so much for all of that information! It helped Dane and I alot!(Dane is in the newsquest and he read this also.) Plus that I also got to read the article that Amanda wrote to him!!!:)
This sounds alot like the article that(s) we read from the TFK.-yes I do know that the article was from TFK. I really did like the article. In my opinion I think that is was sort-of stupid or dumb that they arrested the guy JUST because he wouldn't take his shirt off!!!:) Talk to ya later!!!:)
Thank you SO much!!!:),
Lucy U.:)


I want to thank you for providing this useful information about web services!

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