February 20, 2003 Writing Chat Rooms Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go and join in a Chat Room? Well, it is not that great. While you are just entering in, you may think well, it is not that bad but later when you get put on the spot it's no fun!! When you get put on the spot-light and someone asks you something you may think oh it's, no biggy but when you get asked more and more questions that are personal you might panic. Because it us not safe you should never be in or on chat rooms. For the reasons listed below 1.) You might panic 2.) If you get caught you may get in serious, serious trouble! 3.) You may get tricked into doing something that is illegal! And last but not least 4.) You could be or even get in serious danger I, an 11 year-old and know what it is like even though it has not ever happened to me or I've never been in a Chat Room. I also chose this topic to inform you about these Chat Rooms that may seem cool", fun and harmless, but the naked truth makes me disgusted!!! I also wanted to inform you from this. It would make a lot of sense if they closed Chat Rooms and got rid of them. Only because everybody or at least most of everybody knows that, that is where some people get tempted to do really unreasonable things. Some of my questions are: *Who started Chat Rooms and why? *Why don't they shut all of them down? By: Lucy