Have you heard the news that a group of archaeologists discovered human bones?The scientists dicovered the bones in a 130 feet cave in Indonesia. The head was much smaller than a regular human one.The skeleton might of excisted 18,000 years ago. The bones were from a male, that was about 3 feet tall. The people that excisted 18,000 years were known as the Flores people.How did the Flores people go extinct? Their brain was thought to be 1/7 smaller than a regular one. There have been 7 more human species discovered. Describe how would you feel if you were an archaeoliogist and you were holding the bones in your hands?
Yikes! That sounds a little creepy to me, but I'm sure glad that some people enjoy that job because it is extremely important! I think I'll stick to being a third grade teacher!
Posted by: Ms.Rikard | November 18, 2004 at 01:11 PM
I would be in awe of the fact that I had something from 18.000 or so years ago. Wow! I find that amazing. You are picking topics that are appealing to readers. Good job! If you were an archaeologist, what would you hope to discover or learn about?
Posted by: Mrs. Davis | December 01, 2004 at 07:52 PM
This is important bacause people need to know about the Earth's past.Also to see how people in the past lived and worked.I would wish to discover the bones of a lost King in the Valley of the Kings in Eygpt. I would try to get a copy of his or her DNA and try to find a person related to him. Thankyou for commenting on my topic.
Posted by: marcos | December 02, 2004 at 09:03 AM
Hi Marcos,
I have enjoyed sharing your weblog. I like your style of writing as well as your chosen topics. Your enthusiasm about each topic tells me that you are well on your way to becoming a writer of historical events. It is obvious that your interests are varied and that you will continue to develop your style of writing that will excite any audience.
Posted by: Beverly White | December 10, 2004 at 09:35 AM
This peice is brilliant. Very interesting. I liked it alot.
Posted by: Ashley | January 06, 2005 at 08:56 AM