Where were you when the world stopped turning for moments and moments? The 9/11 attack is still going on for heart-broken people. Investigators are still searching for clues. It is still changing America. It happened so suddenly we didn't know what to do. Many people were crying, praying, and at churches praying and crying for the people who lost their loved ones. Those are some things abut 9/11 that are still going on.
9/11 is bringing problems to the cabinets. Intelligence are trying to make a bill of 9/11, but they are meeting up with roadblocks. The Conservative Republicans say that the bill needed more work. So it stopped the bill from becoming a vote for the House of Representatives. The bill was for the recommendation of 9/11 Commission. It was to stop future terrorist attacks. It was made by Republicans and Democrats, 9/11 Commisson and also President Bush. Those are some facts about problems for the Cabinets.
The Commission has many recommenations for America. The commisson found out that the U.S wasn't ready for terrorists. The commision is helping the government with 41 recommendations. It is laid out in 2 secions: "What to Do" and "How to do it". The Comission wants to show the world America's values. They also want to express American values in countries where terrorists live. They plan on doing that by broadcasting freedom on television and also giving countries money for education programs. They want to give universal rules to check systems. They want the world to fight terrorists together. They say that CIA and FBI didn't give much information before Septemeber 11. They want systems to give information together and give the same kind of report. Those are some recommendations of the commision.
The Congress has mahy reactions to the recommendations. The Senate of South Dakota hope for quick actions to the recommendations. He said put security first. The 88 Congressional Committees oversee the Homeland Security Department. The Commission plans to keep speakjng about the recommendations to Congress. Those are some reactions that the Congress had.
The 9/11 attack was a saddest moment yet. We will always remember the people who died. We will always also give respect to the people who lost their loved ones. The paragarphs above tell about the 9/11 attacks.
Recall some facts about the 9/11 attacks.
You are absolutely right when you say that we will never forget 9/11. I was still in college at UGA at the time and was sitting in class. Before class started we were discussing Michael Jordan coming out of retirement and the wierd incident involving a plane hitting one of the World Trade towers. We had no idea a second one had hit, and we definately didn't know it was a terrorist attack. I'll never forget the fear I saw and felt that day as we all sat in empty classrooms watching the reports of the towers collapsing and the people dying before our eyes.
I do feel that we are now protecting ourselves from other terrorist attacks through the 9/11 Bill and Commission Reports.
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 05, 2005 at 01:35 PM
Hey maria the story was great.you are a good writer.I got a qustion why did you write a sad story? thats my qustion.hoya I forgot the picture you drew was great.I got to go by.
Posted by: Leobardo | January 05, 2005 at 02:02 PM
I loved your story. I am glad that you wrote it so we can remember what happened and what can happen. I hope that your story gets other people to realize there are still a lot of dangers. I am glad that after that, the country put more security in airports and other places.
Posted by: Paulina | January 06, 2005 at 09:04 AM
Oh,... My,... GoodNess,....
You included so much information that I thought that I was really seeing it all for myself!!! I thought that this topic was a fabolus (I think thats how you spell it) choice!!!!
Posted by: Shelby | January 06, 2005 at 09:25 AM