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January 12, 2007


Mrs. C

Hi Dulce Maria,

This post is relevant because you asked so many good questions - questions that are difficult to answer. I agree that the Civil War was aa horrible time. Here is a link to a site that you may find interesting - http://www2.lhric.org/pocantico/civilwar/cwar.htm

Your posts are showing lots of improvement. Keep up the good work! Try to answer one of your own questions in your next post and share with us where you found the answer. Is that a good challenge?

Mrs. C


Hi Dulce Maria,

Thank you for sharing what you learned about the Civil War and how you feel about it.

Isn't it strange that when we learn something new, it always causes us to ask more questions?

I hope you take Mrs. C up on her challenge and post again about one of your questions. I look forward to reading it.


Dulce Maria

Dear Ms .C
Thanks for the comment and the website. I‘m really interesting in Civil War but is not just that. I’m also interesting in 1912 and I think it was so beautiful back then. I hope you comment me later.

Dulce Maria

Dear Lani
Thank you for the comment too . I agree with you about when we learn something new we always ask so many questions. I will still continue to learn

Dulce Maria

Dear Ms. C,

Thanks for the comment and the website. I‘m really interested in Civil War but is not just that. I’m also interesting in 1912 and I think it was so beautiful back then. I hope you comment me later.

Dulce Maria


Thanks for the comment. I ‘m really interested in the Civil War. I hope you comment me later

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