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January 23, 2007



Hi Dulce Maria,

I can see you've got lots of get up and go from the great idioms that you've used.

Do you find it's always easy to put your best foot forward?



nice blog thats funny everybody studys like a beaver

dulce maria

Hi Jaileen,
I'm glad you commented to me and it was hard to think what to write on my story . I always tried my best no matter what. I wish you good luck. I hope you comment me later. Do you live in a America?

dulce maria

Dear Lani,
Is not always easy to put your best foot forward and besides nobody is perfect. Do you agree with me? Any way I have a new post about you and I hope you like it!


hello!!my name is maria!!!i am 13 years old!!!!!!when you coming in romania again????

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