Yesturday, I went to my friend's house and to my surprise, I saw Dulce Maria. I told her that we miss her alot and she said she miss us,too.She said she would love to keep bloging, but she said that she doesn't have a computer. And she can't go to this blog site because she doesn't remember how to get there. I told her that when I see her again I'll tell her how to get there. I hope I see her soon again.
Yesturday, I went to my friend's house and to my surprise, I saw Dulce Maria. I told her that we miss her alot and she said she miss us,too.She said she would love to keep bloging, but she said that she doesn't have a computer. And she can't go to this blog site because she doesn't remember how to get there. I told her that when I see her again I'll tell her how to get there. I hope I see her soon again.
Hi Its Dulce Maria, I Love The new school, but not as much as my old one, im sorry to everone that i had to leave, and i will talk again soon, Bye and im everyones friend, and you can ask me questions too
Hope you keep blogging, its always fun to do when there really nothing else to do.
Posted by: katheirne | March 20, 2007 at 02:39 PM
I really do miss her she was my friend. I'm sad now three of my best friends have moved.
Posted by: roslinda | April 10, 2007 at 10:34 AM
Yesturday, I went to my friend's house and to my surprise, I saw Dulce Maria. I told her that we miss her alot and she said she miss us,too.She said she would love to keep bloging, but she said that she doesn't have a computer. And she can't go to this blog site because she doesn't remember how to get there. I told her that when I see her again I'll tell her how to get there. I hope I see her soon again.
Posted by: ro | May 05, 2007 at 02:29 PM
Yesturday, I went to my friend's house and to my surprise, I saw Dulce Maria. I told her that we miss her alot and she said she miss us,too.She said she would love to keep bloging, but she said that she doesn't have a computer. And she can't go to this blog site because she doesn't remember how to get there. I told her that when I see her again I'll tell her how to get there. I hope I see her soon again.
Posted by: rosalinda | May 05, 2007 at 02:30 PM
hi dulce i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted by: Kathy | September 24, 2007 at 07:26 PM
Hi Its Dulce Maria, I Love The new school, but not as much as my old one, im sorry to everone that i had to leave, and i will talk again soon, Bye and im everyones friend, and you can ask me questions too
Posted by: Dulce Maria | November 25, 2007 at 04:54 PM
my new book called Dulce Amargo is out now, it has poems and my drawings in spanish!!
Posted by: DUlce maria | May 10, 2008 at 08:58 AM