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November 07, 2006


Mr. J

I am glad that you are enjoying your Blogging! I have never really done it till now! Know that if you ever need any you can always ask me! Believe it or not I had a couple of pokemon games over the past few years. I have been using computers since i was eleven but that was a LONG time ago! Have a great day and keep up the great work with your blogs!


I enjoyed hearing about your experiences with “amazing technology.” I have used the Inspiration program you describe and like you I was confused. I also enjoyed using Google and Yahoo. Mostly, I use Yahoo, but whenever I get frustrated with my search results I switch over to Google. Yahoo has some fun games if you are interested. The Yahoo game site is my kid’s favorite. They have found some cool games there.


Ed,Have you visited Yahooligans? I use it for research. It's easier to get informatoin.


I still play pokemon and I'm pretty sure it's like it was when you played them.The make a diffrent game every month.

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