This is another dumb story I'm making for blogs please don't read this.Wrong just kidding with you.This is actually a story that I am making for web logs . I'm making this post to thank all the people who supported me and giving me helpful tips. First I would would like to thank my parents for giving me permission to do blogs.I would like thank my teacher Ms.A I know she does all she can to help people who actually listen to her and I do listen to everything she says some of the people don't care but I do.Chris said " This is a good reflective post-you're thinking about what you can improve." Lani who has commented to me a lot and her comments were all helpful. Kelly, Ms.Best,Carl,Ed,Michelle,Ms.McGrew,Mr.J,Ms.Scarbary,Ms.C.Ms.Roper to because she is the nicest gymnastics teacher and she's not so strict on us and for letting us exercise in her gym.Ms.Roper is also the coolest teacher since 1st grade.Chris I also did read your comment and yes by accident I did post three times but I delete the other two thanks for telling me that to.