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January 04, 2007



Hi MV!
I’m a student at Georgia State University and I enjoyed reading your blog! I read your posting on the hugging video and then I watched the clip. It’s so interesting! My favorite was the skate board hugger.
Why do you think girls were the first ones to hug him? Do you think it was because he was a guy or because girls like to hug more than guys? I also noticed that he was collecting signatures (a petition). What do you think the signatures were for?
It was also a really good song. Anyhow, I would like to know what you think if you have time to comment back to me. Thanks for having such an interesting blog!


I think it was both and that it would be pretty wierd for a guy to hug another guy that you don't no for no reason and not to mention girls are more sensitive and pretty than boys.If I got hugged by a college girl student it would be wierd but I wouldn't mind it at all.


I tried to write a post here before but it was soooo slow.
Hey, this is tyler (Poof all mighty) haha! well I just wanted to say that it was not my teacher that went out on the street and got free hugs it was the rich Australia dude. haha! just wanted to inform you.
well g2g, cya!
P.S: Wierd Al Yankovic rocks!


Tyler thanks for infoming me what else do you like in music.My Chemical Romance The Black Parade,Green Day,Lincoln Park, and At The Disco.Just so you know White and Nerdy on my PSP it rocks...What bands do you like.

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